Synoptic texts

In this section, the two basic texts are presented side by side in a synoptic view: French on the left and Italian on the right. By “basic texts”, we refer to the texts of the two posthumous editions in Italian, dated 1998, and in French, dated February 2004, for which one can reference Giorgio de Chirico, Il Signor Dudron, with texts by Paolo Picozza, Stefano Crespi, Jole de Sanna, Le Lettere, Florence 1998; Giorgio de Chirico, Monsieur Dudron roman, introduction de Gérard-Georges Lemaire, avant-propos de Paolo Picozza, postface de Jole de Sanna, Éditions De La Différence, Paris 2004.
The texts have been editorially divided into paragraphs which, for convenience and ease of reference, are headed with editorial titles. At the end of each paragraph, variants and notes can be opened by clicking on the relevant headings.
The variants may in turn contain other notes and the notes may contain illustrations. The passages featuring Isabella Far and text added in the 1950s are reproduced in green font.

Note: the synoptic texts have been transcribed according to the two editions mentioned above. With regard to the variant texts, their origins are either found in printed texts (newspapers, periodicals and small editions) and handwritten or typewritten texts. In the first case, we have adhered to the dictation of the original editions; while in the second, we have faithfully transcribed de Chirico’s original texts without correcting or highlighting any French or Italian spelling mistakes. Only in specific cases and when absolutely necessary, have we resorted to explanatory notes.

It should be noted that this “online edition” is a work of scientific research intended to give greater insight into a text with a very complex genesis, thus enabling scholars to draw new conclusions from further in-depth studies. It is not intended for commercial purposes or profit; it can be consulted free of charge but may not be downloaded.

This Online Edition is protected under copyright law, and its reproduction in any form is strictly prohibited.